We’re doing a new series on “Quotes from Badass Women”
Punks & Pinstripes is a private network of the most badass, brilliant women in business (and their allies.)
“Curiosity-Driven Leadership is incredibly rare. It’s what differentiates companies that invent from companies that innovate. Because the most vulnerable thing anyone can do is put their ideas out there for someone to criticize.
Companies constantly invent without innovating. But if it's not useful to somebody, if it doesn't apply to somebody or make their life better in some way - it's not innovation. Because it won't get adopted, make money or be impactful. Innovation is listening. It’s observing and understanding what people actually need, not what we think they need, what they actually need so that it is useful to them and adopted in their environment. That means we are not the customer.
Inclusion intersects with innovation because you can’t truly ‘hear’ what your market needs if you’re not as diverse as they are.”
-Sherryl Tarnaske